10 May 2015

Crunch Time

Sunday's just about come and gone, hasn't it? All this chatter about a deadline or ultimatum or somesuch, and yet it seems nothing has changed at all here on Gensokyo Island. Perhaps it was too optimistic to hope that anything would actually change even despite Okuu's Look-alike's proclamation.

It may be hard to believe, but everything she has said about the negative impact of too many travellers waiting at the docks has come true. It seems that a savage, barbaric rage of some sort has wholly overtaken the residents of Gensokyo Island, who now seek nothing more than to tear each other apart with fisticuffs, fighting tooth and nail for what seems to be no reason other than their existence. Or else, to bother Okuu's Look-alike with requests for childish games of chance which are inevitably ignored. It's as if whatever intelligence, sense, or individuality they have has been expunged, and all that remains are the primal impulses of the id.

Mima has become good, and Kyubey likes Salisbury Steaks? Everything has truly been turned upside down.

Rebecca told me that the way things are reminded her of a movie she saw back home called "Twenty-Eight Days Later" or something like that, where some weird condition caused people to tear each other apart for seemingly no reason at all. Where people lost all individuality and transformed into rampaging, mindless zombies. That's an apt metaphor for the enigma engulfing Gensokyo Island at this point.

At the same time, it seems another less visible, but no less malicious affliction has wormed its way into the bodies of Gensokyo Island's hapless residents. This particular malady causes the progressive degradation of any sense of humour, resulting in the loss of the ability to laugh and the rapid evaporation of the ability to tell genuinely funny jokes, bringing on a condition of permanent malaise and the decaying of intrapersonal relationships. I would not disagree that this may be the cause, rather than the effect, of the state of constant infighting in which Gensokyo Island's denizens now find themselves.

I've enclosed some pictures for public reference. A warning to those weak of heart - the pathetic excuses for jokes depicted within are so severe as to cause a significant decrease in the will to live and the loss of faith in organised civilisation.

Such atrocious attempts at humour are the best means of convincing someone suicide is the only way out of their predicament.

Under these circumstances, it is perfectly understandable as to why Okuu's Look-alike has decided to lay down this ultimatum, determined to reactivate the time-space distortion as the final solution to dealing with the overpopulation of children turned wannabe travellers. As to why Okuu's Look-alike doesn't simply put a stop to the rampant procreation of Gensokyo Island's residents, we should all remember that the surfeit of babies is the objective, rather than the problem - the problem being instead the inability to send them off into the wider world quickly enough.

Of course, where does that leave perfectly innocent travellers like us, who had sought to tour the world looking for new experiences only to be caught in the midst of this twisted science experiment? Well, given the most recent proclamation, it's hard to deny that due consideration has indeed been shown to our predicament, but it ultimately will not stand in the way of the continuation of Okuu's Look-alike's mad project. 

Those of us travellers who brought new life, new ideas, and new tales to a place such as Gensokyo Island... like a fruit for juicing, we shall be wrung out for every scrap of value, and what remains of our shattered bodies discarded without a shard of regret. So we have been forewarned, and as of the non-events of this evening, so shall the plan be carried out.

Farewell, Toritori. May you find your happiness in a more welcoming land.

 Those eyes of resignation and sorrow subdued. The eyes of one who knows their days are numbered.




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