12 February 2015

Demons and de Ladies

Wah! How did I get here?

My name is Toritori, nice to meet you! Please take good care of me! I know my hairstyle and build look a little bit boyish but I'm a girl, really. Seriously! I'm just enjoying life the way I want to, that's all, pleasantly plump and with a convenient hairstyle. 

Don't be confused! Besides, bearing in mind that kilts don't count, how many boys wear skirts, anyway?

Yeah, it translates to whatever I said above. Minus the boyish part.

Uhh... on that last point, from what I've seen on Gensokyo Island, actually it's kind of hard to tell who's a boy, a girl, a girl pretending to be a boy, a boy pretending to be a girl, a prince who was reincarnated as a girl who insists that she's a boy... I don't blame all of you for being confused. It's like this island's owner hired Shakespeare as a consultant, isn't it? Although I haven't actually seen Shakespeare as an islander here...

So, I guess I should explain what I'm doing here. Well, the first odd thing I noticed upon landing at this island was that immensely long queue of travellers trailing from the port, snaking through the immigration office... speaking of snakes, they looked so poorly fed that they might as well be snakes. It's odd to me because I used to travel regularly between two islands and so got kinda familiar with the environs there, but this is my first real adventure.

After that, I met this island's owner Okuu's Look-alike who, well, apart from wondering whether I was a boy or a girl, gave me a welcoming package of some rations, as well as bath salts, a battery operated radio, the works. Except the rations were ... kinda odd. A black ball of something with a strong taste and the texture of paper, and... fish poop? I don't know, but it was kinda slimy and gross and it tasted like washed-up fish. I should have thought something was up but I was feeling so grotty from my journey here the first thing I wanted to do was have a nice warm bath. 

That was my biggest mistake. And I guess that's why I'm here...

Embarrassing and incriminating photographs blackmail ahoy!

Ahaha... I'm actually not a big softie at heart. Really. I'm a strong confident girl who don't need no... actually I do. Mr. Bear is my bestest friend in the whole world. I'm really not embarrassed to say that at all. Really, not embarrassed, not me. Hehe...

So, this person by the name of Aya Shameimaru came up to me waving those photographs with a crazy grin on her face, and... the rest is history. Suffice to say, if I'm going to be stuck behind this incredibly long queue to move on to my next destination, I might as well find something to do - and earn a bit of cash and extra rations while I'm at it. Thankfully, it's not so lonely doing a job like that, as Aya has enough energy and mad enthusiasm for everyone, and there's another traveller there working on the same tasks as me. His name is ... Kiba, I believe? I hope we can be good friends! He seems shy though, it's cute. Hehe...

Ah, where are my manners. Here's my traveller card so all of you can know me better. Here's Kiba's card too, he... gave it to me before running off somewhere. I hope he managed to hold it in seeing how long the queue for the portable toilet usually is!

Left is Kiba, right is Toritori. Kiba's been travelling for longer, but Toritori has had nicer people take care of her.

Let me see if I know what I'm supposed to do next. Aya sent Kiba off to do the day's reporting, so the first assignment she had for a rookie like me was to present this character profile. It's been sitting around collecting dust for a while, but Kiba updated it yesterday before I'd yet to setp onto Gensokyo Island. Hmm... yeah! 

What a coincidence, it's about this guy I met on the island when I first arrived here! He's got an excellent sense of humour, in fact laughing is his favourite activity. He laughs so much that he even tells people not to "make him laugh". He's also rather short but has a funny hairstyle with two long antennae that stick up on his head, and he calls himself a demon prince, maybe to make him seem taller and meaner. And he also loves to wear just trousers without any shirt, although he doesn't really have any muscle or so to show for it. What an amusing fellow!

We were getting along well, laughs and all, until he started calling me a "vessel" or something like that. Maybe he was picking on how I'm a little plump, so I told him off saying that it's never nice to make fun of a lady's weight. And then he was like "You're a lady?" with giant googly eyes, before he seemed to notice something and ran off in a panic. That was rather silly, too, hehe...

Anyway, as my first duty as a junior reporter for Bunbunmaru Updates, I'd like to present to you the character profile of Overlord Laharl!

Overlord Laharl
All information correct as of 12 February 2015

 Trust Laharl to wear an outfit that shows off his rippling chest (ahem) for a photograph..

Name: Overlord Laharl
Nickname: Laharl (pronounced "Prince Laharl")
Date of Birth: 30th January 2003
Personality: Outgoing Leader
Favourite Colour: Red
Quotation: "Ahaahaahaahaa!!"

Overlord Laharl is the main character of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, its re-releases, and the 10th anniversary game Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness, all tactical role-playing games by Nippon Ichi Software. He has also appeared as a cameo in all subsequent Disgaea games as well as other games by the same studio. 

He is a demon who is also the Overlord of his Netherworld, and he believes in solving everything through violence and enslavement, such as the matter of others disputing his claim to being Overlord. He also claims to be an avowed enemy of things like love and busty women, both of which can cause him physical pain and drain his power. Although in truth he's really a nice guy at heart who really cares for others and just has difficulty expressing his feelings...


Ahem. Yes. Overlord Laharl is the meanest, nastiest Overlord around and he won't let anyone forget it. This plays in perfectly to his role on Gensokyo Island - he acts utterly nasty, rude, and unpleasant to everyone around him, but in truth he really does care for others and wants to befriend them. Really. Not enslave them or make them his vassals or anything like that.

Laharl proposes to me. Too bad I turned him down. Also I don't want psycho Sukuna coming after me...

Wife: Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
Best Friend: Rinnosuke Morichika
Children: Vytautas, Samael

Overlord Laharl's complicated love life was explained in great detail under Shinmyoumaru Sukuna's entry, so we won't go into it here. Although I have to say that it seems little blame has fallen on Laharl for snatching Sukuna away from Armin Arlert, after all he was merely putting forward an innocent proposition, and it's Sukuna who's to blame for forgetting that she already has a boyfriend and accepting it. That's right, it's always the girl's fault. Ahem.

As Laharl and Sukuna also only have two children, there really isn't much to be said about them either. Vytautas has achieved fame as becoming Gensokyo Island's currently most travelled son, having been to four different islands, and is currently bumming away somewhere in Streetpass Relay Point Island, which is apparently somewhere in the middle of Japan. Who knew? In contrast, Samael, their second son, is still waiting his turn to depart at the docks, and practicing (or threatening to practice) his angel of death skills on any fellow travellers who might feel malnutrition and overexposure starting to get to them.

Laharl is one of the most combative residents of Gensokyo Island, unwilling to take any slight whether about his power or his height, and most likely holds the record for the highest number of violent fights ever, though probably tied with Utsuho Reiuji who's been on the island for just over a week longer. It's a wonder he can get along with Rinnosuke Morichika, another similarly easily offended person, though it's probably their commonality in this respect (disrespect?) which have made them solid friends.

Laharl won't suffer any challenges to his authority as an Overlord or as a demon. In fact, he bearly tolerates them. Get it? Haha... nevermind.

Food Preferences:
All-Time Favourite: Tea
Worst: Lemonade
Worst Ever: Waffle

Okuu's Look-alike Rating - Lemonade: Love! How could you hate Lemonade, Laharl? It's really one of life's little pleasures. Whether mind-blowingly sour or cringe-inducingly sweet, it's always a delight, and even an overly diluted drink is that much better than just plain water. I realise I'm not really making a very good advertisement for this drink but if you're missing out on Lemonade you're missing out on happiness.

Song Participation:
Gotta Slay 'em All, Rap, backup dancer for The Recon Corps
Too Much Water, Techno, backup dancer for Rogues' Gallery

Laharl isn't one for singing. He prefers to let his fancy footwork steal the show. The funny thing is that in both songs, he's paired as a dancer with Overlord Mao, and being rival overlords the two hate each other with the burning passion of a thousand Okuus. Dance really does bring people together after all! 

 Just like in canon, Laharl has some ... funny habits he'd rather other people not know about. It doesn't stop him from indulging though!

Apartment: Apt. 208
Islander Rating: High Tier

As expected of an Overlord, Laharl is pretty demanding about just about everything, wanting awesome new stuff all the time regardless of whether he really deserves it or not. Unfortunately, until recently he's had especially bad luck with food, discovering both his Worst and Worst ever food. Not to mention, his habit of regularly getting into fights means that he frequently takes hits to his happiness when things don't work out. And with a combative fellow like Laharl, that happens more often than not.

However, his luck may be turning - now that we know his All-Time Favourite, a 1/4 fullness item at that, we'll be able to drive his happiness level up whenever the opportunity presents itself. It's funny that he likes Tea the most... is he secretly British? It must explain the kinky habits, eh, old chap? Wink wink nudge nudge.

Say no more. Overlord Laharl's a proud, headstrong demon lord, the epitome of pure evil, and he lives for nothing more than to carve that thought onto everyone's flesh. Sure, he's rather on the small side, and he actually might have a moral compass despite his claims, but he will kick anyone's ass, and blow up two million spaceships (apparently this actually happened in his game...). Add this little firebrand to your island and watch the sparks fly. 

Just as long as he doesn't have busty girls to shout "Eternal Love" at him, of course. Good thing everyone in Tomodachi Life is as flat as a washboard.

 Laharl in all his overlordly and shirtless glory. If only he had a scarf too... but what nutter wears just shorts and a scarf?

BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 12th February 2015

Relationships and Marriage
Reimu Hakurei and Patchouli Knowledge became best friends!

Fumiko, daughter of Aya Shameimaru and Shou Toramaru, grew up. She was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!

Gensokyo Gourmands
Desco Kazamatsuri tried some Tempura today. It's her All-Time Favourite food! 

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