I'll have to confess, though, even though I appreciate the loyalty of my fans it's a little disheartening to see so few new faces in the audience. I mean, the goal of every idol is to grow their popularity, right? Y'know, I wish even more people from Gensokyo Island would show up at the docks for my performances. That'll make me the happiest performance artiste in the world!
*cough* Excuse me, I just felt ... a little light, all of a sudden. It must have been that weird moving white spot on the lettuce that did it, heh. Oh ... oh wow, is that a boat on the horizon? Hmm... not a cargo ship, but an express chartered speedboat. Something's up, it seems.
Speaking of which ... hey, Hito, what's those photographs you've got with you? For today's updates? Let me see ... what the heck???
Whaaa... a baby boom? I won't be able to get into Mii Apartments, inundated by calls from hapless parents with their screaming offspring.
Wow, I don't believe this, four children were announced in one day? That's unbelievable... improbable... inconceivable! Or in fact, very conceiving indeed! It's like a miracle that all of these came together. I'm sure our wonderful dictator Okuu's Look-alike, with her well-known love for biological weapons ... I mean adorable children will be so absolutely overjoyed at this news. Heh, and I'll be happy too - that means more people to attend my concerts, call me Senpai, and donate shreds from their already miniscule rations to fuel my singing career! This is just fantastic!
The pairings of Kyouko and Wriggle, and Okuu and Kourin will be going for their fifth to catch up with Reimu and ZUN, while Yuyuko and Maxie will be expecting their second. And it's most certainly a delight for Ramza Beoulve and Konata Izumi, announcing their first child just days after getting married. It's like a fairy tale for all of these joys to happen so close together, isn't it? Assuming fairy tales have shotgun weddings, it would seem!
Ah... the thought of more loving fans screaming my name ... it's making my head swim. And is that... hey! It's the speedboat that was heading here earlier! Ah, it looks like it's been chartered by one of Gensokyo Island's traveller children using their savings to come back and visit their parents! That's so filial, it brings tears to my eyes! I wish I could have seen it! Who would it be? It's...

Apparently the owner of the last island Juan visited was named Shou, too. And he took real good care of Juan, as well! Thanks so much!
Oh wow, these photographs are so good, it's like I was really there in person with Juan! I mean, more accurately, it's more like they were lifted off the security cameras Okuu's Look-alike has installed in the corners of every residence on Gensokyo Island, but I can sense Recette Lemongrass and Armin Arlert's joy just by seeing their faces beaming with delight. I mean ... yeah, I miss my folks too, but I wouldn't go so far as to wish I was back at home with them. I have a career now, you know, I'm an independent woman!
Still... ah, yes! What was in my reporting notes earlier this day that I needed to check out. That's right, the dreaded Yuuka Kazami, who announced her pregnancy a couple of days ago, has given birth to her child today. Y'know, as a media figure, I personally believe in giving everyone a chance but after looking at this list of Yuuka's horrible deeds, and having to stop her first son Alexandre from doing weird things like trying to catch little animals in hollow spheres... I'm afraid of what her offspring would be like. I wish her kids wouldn't be sadistic genocidal maniacs like her and actually grow up into decently well-adjusted folks...
The second time I've ever accepted a default name outright, but with Yuuka, flowery names are always appropriate.
Wait, I've just got the headlines in. Yuuka's new child, a girl, is actually one that seems pretty normal and decent and not psychopathic at all. I mean, her personality is so much closer to her cheerful and happy-go-lucky dad Augustine Sycamore, rather than her dark, brooding, and frankly creepy mom. Okuu's Look-alike approved of her so much, she even accepted the perfectly normal name which Yuuka proposed. This is such a bizarre coincidence, it's almost abnormal. In fact, it's like magic!
Ah, it's like a ripple of redemption has swept across this land, where love blossoms, and the misguided and wicked turn to face the light, even if only for a moment. That's the power of song, my adoring fans! That's the magic of an idol!
Oh... hello. And you're Kyubey Incubator, the one I'm supposed to be conducting a character interview with today, aren't you? What do you mean we've already made a contract? We've just met, and... what? You want me to fight Marisa Kirisame, the witch? But I'm a singer, not a fighter. What do you mean you already told her I'd be coming after her, and she's already over there?
If a traveller returns to visit instead of writing a letter, you get a message from the island's owner instead of a photograph. Good luck, Umi, you'll need it!
cripes. Is that a massive blazing laser being charged up in that thing
she's holding? Um ... Sorry, gotta run! Love you guys! Aaaaaahhh!!!!
Kyubey Incubator
All information correct as of 2 February 2015
Armin says it like it is. It's not just fighting words - it's the truth.
Name: Kyubey Incubator
Nickname: Kyubey
Date of Birth: 7th January 2011
Personality: Confident Go-Getter ('go get her!')
Favourite Colour: White
Quotation: "Make a contract!"
Kyubey Incubator is one of the main characters of the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. He is a... sort of cute companion creature that follows the main human characters around, and he has the ability to grant any one wish in exchange for the transformation of the wisher into a Puella Magi, a magical girl dedicated to fighting Witches. To discuss any more about him or the show would mean major spoilers ... ugh, who are we kidding, it's all been spoiled already. Let's just say he's a nasty piece of work, all right? Don't make any deals with him.
I felt Kyubey was the best representative of the show for inclusion on Gensokyo Island as he operates on his own agenda, while the human characters need each other to add meaning to their story. Kyubey is more correctly known by that name alone, Incubator actually being his species (fanworks often being inclined to assign the species name of non-human characters as a last name when needed). Also, Kyubey is actually genderless as far as anyone can tell, although he uses the typically male pronoun 'boku', so many tend to see him as male as well. He also demonstrates a lack of emotions, except for confusion and maybe surprise, as he thinks perfectly logically, with everything focussed on his goal of recruiting more magical girls.
Needless to say all this is quite hard to translate into Tomodachi Life - Kyubey is one of those few characters whose appearance is easier to pull off in game than their personality. Being a Confident Go-Getter is the closest one can get to being perfectly goal-oriented. However, Kyubey no doubt retains aspects of his canonical nature, as one of his greatest strengths is the ability to show up in all kinds of unexpected situations, and screw the other parties and the player while staring right at them with his unmoving cat smile and unblinking gaze.
Kyubey and Alice, concentrating insane agendas into as few couples as we can.
Wife: Alice Margatroid
Best Friend: Junya Ohta
Children: Shanghai Margatroid, Juubey, Cubey
It's so tempting to make some snide comments about the relationship between two of Gensokyo Island's most suspicious and untrustworthy individuals, but it would probably be more accurate to say that the two of them hit it off almost immediately after they were introduced as part of the second batch of islanders. In terms of rapid progress in familial relations, Kyubey and Alice Margatroid definitely hold the title here on Gensokyo Island.
Kyubey and Alice are not only the first couple of the second batch of islanders to enter a relationship, but also the first to get married, and - beating out the original eight islanders - they were the first to have a child, the absolutely normal, well-adjusted Shanghai Margatroid, which is quite surprising considering her parents ... and, with the benefit of hindsight, the two kids that came next who were packed off as travellers.
You see, Kyubey has had some ... modifications to get the look he has in the anime. Since his character has no nose, but noses are compulsory in Mii Maker, his 'nose' is hidden in the black of his mouth. Likewise, he has no eyebrows, but since eyebrows are needed I repurposed them to serve as part of his dog-like ears. This makes for an excellent Mii character - but for some truly horrific children, when the RNG rolls badly.
Indeed it's a wonder that Shanghai came out looking normal at all, it's as if I made a wish that the first kid ever to be born on my island would be a normal one I'd like to invite to live here, and not one of those freaks we can find all over the Internet. As for the other two ... let's just say I needed to cheat right from the beginning to get them into a state that could be looked at without having involuntary bowel movements.
From left to right, Shanghai Margatroid, Juubey, and Cubey. But i Kyubey clones visited your island, anyone with sense would delete them too!
Food Preferences:
All-Time Favourite: Cinnamon Roll
Okuu's Look-alike Rating - Cinnamon Roll: Really Like! You can't say no to sweet pastry with loads of icing.
Y'know, way back when I had yet to ever discover anyone's All-Time Favourite food, I was wondering "I wish I could find someone's all-time favourite food, that would be so awesome." And that was the day when I introduced the second batch of eight islanders, including Kyubey, and Cinnamon Roll was the item for sale at the morning market.
The rest is history. Suffice to say the only item Kyubey has ever been fed and ever will be fed is the Cinnamon Roll. Also, he's got my soul locked up in a gem.
Song Participation:
Living Next Door to Alice, Musical, backup singer for Three Dolls Down
Too Much Water, Techno, instrumentalist for Rogues' Gallery
Yes, Kyubey is also one of the singers in a song about living next door to his wife Alice. Technically he does live next door to her... at Mii Apartments. When she's in there alone, it wouldn't be a surprise if Kyubey next door could hear those creepy moans and sobs and slobbering over doll joints.
E.T., freaking go home already. Mankind ill needs a saviour such as you.
Apartment: Apt. 206
Islander Tier Rating: Borderline Top Tier
It's pretty self-explanatory that knowing an islander's All-Time Favourite food from the very day they're introduced will quickly ensure them a place near the top of the happiness tables. What's a little more difficult to explain is why he isn't already at the top, and all I can say is that much of it has to do with how I don't systematically feed islanders, only when they call me for some demand or another, and even then only when they're on an empty stomach.
Another factor is that Kyubey's the type that only makes friends with difficulty, and then gets into fights a lot. I wouldn't be surprised, since anyone would want to lay him out good after hearing what he's done, but it means spending the happiness from the Cinnamon Roll to either calm him down or cheer him up out of depression. Again, this is suboptimal play for gaining levels but who said I was playing optimally, even if I'm interested in knowing about it? It's also quite hard to satisfy him as I'm often not sure what kind of attire or interiors he wants. Thankfully, people tend to want to be introduced to him quite often, as perhaps his reputation preceds him - they want to 'befriend' him so they can fight with him and punch his lights out.
Kyubey is, in non-Tomodachi Life terms, a known quantity. Anyone who knows anything about who he is and the series he comes from will know full well to steer well clear of him. However, that's what's exactly so exciting about adding him to your island - you know that he's going to cause some trouble, and the fun is seeing how and with whom. Don't you wish you too could personally torment and abuse this eminently hateable little creature? Then make a contract with Kyubey and add him to your island today!
Yeah, that's also a girl's dress he's wearing. You can modify the eyebrows if you prefer just head accessories for his ears.
BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 2nd February 2015
Traveller Updates
Juan returned from Shouchan no Island to visit his parents Recette Lemongrass and Armin Arlert! He has visited 4 islands so far.
Lily was born to Yuuka Kazami and Augustine Sycamore. It's their second child! She is an Easygoing Dreamer.
Yuyuko Saigyouji announced that she was pregnant with her and Maximillian Magma's second child!
Kyouko Kasodani announced that she was pregnant with her and Wriggle Nightbug's fifth child!
Utsuho Reiuji announced that she was pregnant with her and Rinnosuke Morichika's fifth child!
Ramza Beoulve announced that his wife Konata Izumi was pregnant with their first child!
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