6 July 2015

In Dependence Stay

So... is he gone yet?

Why don't you get up from your desk and go take a look?

But... what kind of nerd would I be if I actually had to step away from my computer? Come on, there's no way I can win the ladies without some really solid geek cred. No, really, just tell me if he's gone, because I'm just too terrified to check...

Ladies, you say... oh, all right, allow me to... GOOD LORD! He's right at that window over there, watching you!

Wait, whaaaat?! No way! I didn't even see... ARGH!!!


That's what you get for not being independent enough to check for yourself, you lazy lout.

How about a little financial aid from the Marshall, er, the Miko Plan? The only thing you need to give up - your religious freedom.

You jerk, Yugen, making a fib like that. Damn... I don't think these swivel chairs are supposed to spin that fast, let's just hope that Aya Shameimaru doesn't string us up and make us pay for a replacement.

Us? What do you mean by 'us'?  After all, aren't you the one who refused to get up from the chair in the first place? And besides, I wouldn't have problems paying for a replacement for something I broke, while you on the other hand would probably have to pass the hat around.

Wow. So you're going to make fun of me for being poor, are you, you self-entitled stuck-up wannabe aristocrat?

Well, having money of your own helps you be independent of handouts. You don't want to leech off someone else for the rest of your life like the NEET you are, do you, Kiba?
Implying that you're any better. You're just using your parents' money to act posh without actually doing any work of your own. How's that supposed to be called independence?

I... well, as travellers, we're all independent in our own way. That much cannot be denied. Otherwise we'd never have got this far.

 I'll bet there are some articles of clothing so horribly ugly that the free market, i.e. other players would never choose them as their export item.

Can't evade the truth that you spend every other day gazing out to sea, hoping that some remittance from your parents arrives so you can splurge on luxuries once again, huh? Yup, that sounds like an individual who's managed to strike it out on their own indeed, ahem.

You're mocking me. Why else am I here with you, actually doing some labour for my pay, instead of skipping out on work like Alex does? Three reasons, the first being that I have personal pride in earning what I spend. The second being that I'm not some kind of robot assassin from the future and I actually require sustenance. The third being that my parents haven't sent... well. So in essence there's just one very important reason.

Well. If anything I'm glad the humility of working here in the bloody trenches like the rest of us plebs has taken you down a notch or two. Isn't that the dream of every traveller? To become a self-made person, someone with their own individuality, identity, and assets.

That's absolutely true. That's why we bother to strive in the first place. That's why we force ourselves through waves of bloody mist in order to claim our next accomplishment. It's because of our dreams.
Of course., it would be so much easier if we could just find a pile of wealth and good fortune somewhere and solve all our problems without doing any work at all... sigh...

 Diamond is Unbreakable, you say. "Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable!"

Such frivolous thoughts. Of course, we cannot count on the winds of fate for good fortune to simply drop into our hands. We have to strive, we have to fight for what we desire. That's the only way for a traveller to realise their dreams.

You're right. I can't believe how much I've fighting everyday to realise my dreams too. Fighting sleep, boredom, the urge to vomit on hearing all these platitudes about success and dreams. 

So you're saying you'd never bother to fight for what you want? That probably explains why you're still an unemployed, lonely internet addict for all this long.

Ahem, excuse me? I just think it's more important that we focus not on the process, but the destination. Why fight at all, if you don't know where you want to end up? If you don't know what you want to achieve? What do you want to achieve, huh, rich boy?

I... well... I guess I want to be an impressive specimen of a traveller, to make my parents and my home island proud, I suppose.

Yup, that's you. And what I want is an easy life, full of slacking and contentment. That's why I'm working hard to ensure that I'm always in a situation where I have to work as little as possible.

You... realise the oxymoron in that, do you not?

It's not a contradiction. It's just logical. Working to ensure I don't have to work.

I suppose I can't argue with that. So what are the dreams and ambitions of the idle lot of residents living here on Gensokyo Island, anyway?

  My dream is... to use babies as improvised biological weapons to rid the rest of the world of babies. To put it bluntly...

Do cattle have dreams, Yugen? Do androids dream of electric sheep? It's hard to say whether they do anything other than live out their lives in happiness... I mean, constant fighting, demands, and attempts to induce apocalyptic rage.

Indeed, all our discussion seems moot when we compare it to the blissful idleness of the denizens of this island, who have their every need met, their every dispute resolved... (except when they don't, of course)... while we have to struggle and fight for our survival.

Sad, but true. That's our life. Say, can you see it? We travellers are an immigrant people, we don't simply live, but carve out our own destinies with our own hands. Whatever that destiny may be. I bet even that stone-faced alien robot assassin has to deal with that, doing his darndest to mould a future free from infestation by eldritch tentacle beings. Heh heh...


Wait, who? WHAAA...!!!


Overlord Mao announced that his wife Patchouli Knowledge was pregnant with their fourth child!


Traveller Updates
A boat from Windia Island arrived. Fantine departed.



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