18 July 2015

Parent Pending

Hey... hey Kiba, are you awake?


For heavens' sake, you're either playing games or dozing. Come on, get up already!

... KYAAAA!!!! Alex, I'm begging you! Anything but rats! Do it to Yugen! I don't care what you do to him!

Whaaa... wait, what? Hey, Kiba, what are you on about?!

... eh? This isn't Room 101... Yugen? Aw no, this isn't some kind of circuitous psychological torture, is it? Next thing you're going to stick me in that cage with the rats in it and...

Kiba, what the bloody hell are you talking about? Seriously, pull yourself together, we have an assignment to d.

Huh... Yugen, for real? Better pinch myself, and... *ouch* ... I guess you might be real after all...

That's enough of your conspiracy theories, let's get to work!

Time for our strategy meeting on Slaying Titans... the American Way!

Well, it looks like I can move about, use equipment, it doesn't hurt anywhere... if this is some kind of delayed pain simulator, I'm not feeling anything yet...

Shut up, you're not dreaming! Anyway, Aya Shameimaru gave us some advance warning that there may be some increased activity around the island over the next few days, and she wants us to capture as much of it as we can for Bunbunmaru Updates. 

Really, is that so... so what is this new activity?

Apparently, Okuu's Look-alike wants to step things up in Gensokyo Island after a bit of quiet recently. Supposedly, she's promoting some sort of "productivity drive" and getting islanders to join in.

"Productivity"? Ah... so, cranking up the old baby factory again. Things have been slowed down a lot recently since the bad days of mass reproduction. Kind of like about the time you arrived, when Toritori was still here.

That's right. It seems that Okuu's Look-alike's efforts have paid off, she's got some willing recruits to further her wicked plans.

   We'd say that this outbreak of babymaking has been paternalistic, but we don't want to father any Dadaistic false accusations.

Whoa... that's going to be a whole tide of babyflesh descending on this island over the next few days! It's a good thing that I sleep in the office now instead of in the rought outside Mii Homes, I wouldn't be able to stand the noise otherwise!

And you only sleep here because Aya doesn't come in as often anymore. Maybe she's implicitly trusting you to be working instead of goofing off all the time like you really are. 

I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted in response to that.

Whatever, ahem. Anyway, even Okuu's Look-alike has got in with the 'increased productivity' business. I heard that, after a really long lull, she's finally sending out advertisements to search for potential new residents for Gensokyo Island.

What, seriously? Incredible, it's been ages since the last one, Kagerou Imaizumi, joined us. Several months, in fact. But I'm not surprised no one has showed up so far, this place is nothing short of a slave-driving, soul-crushing, dead-end abyss of awfulness.

Well, there have been some people who came here on their own willingly, even knowing what this place is like... I speak, of course, of the traveller children of Gensokyo Island, some of whom have returned to visit their parents!

 A double celebration for Tadakichi and Tia, with two of their children successful travellers in their own way!

Tadakichi Mihama and Tia Arlert received a double blessing today, as two of their children returned to visit them in a single day, each with their own achievements to report. Notable, of course, was Yves, who reported visiting his seventh island, meaning he's back to tying with Chiyoko, daughter of Shikieiki Yamaxanadu and Chiyo Mihama, as well as Vytautas, son of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Overlord Laharl for the honour of being the most travelled!

I'd say that's really impressive! As for the other one, wait... is that dyed hair I see? Congratulations to that girl... Salvatore, is it? You've reached the pinnacle of a traveller's destiny! Okay... well, it would probably be more impressive to get a brown shirt or better, but getting your hair dyed is already damned awesome.

Hmm, that's pretty lucky, isn't it? Being a successful traveller. I wish I could say the same - staying here on Gensokyo Island's the easy and safe life, but sometimes I'd like to do a little more...


Kiba, you all right? You've suddenly gone quiet...

Shut up, you. I've been here on this island for six months now. Six bloody months. On one hand I can say I'm awfully pleased to still be alive, considering the kind of horrific things we've seen since we were here. On the other hand, though...

Even a bone-idle NEET like you wants to move on eventually, don't you?

N....nopenopenope, you've got it totally wrong, rich boy. I like it here where it's warm, safe, and I can slack around all day and leech off other people's wifi. Just that... well, I don't like my folks getting worried about what's happened to me... 

So, a little worried now, are we? Or in denial about it? 

Eugh, no sappy, namby-pamby talk, please! I'm an independent person, I don't need to be mollycoddled by anyone, and I don't need to have anyone fussing over me!

But you can't help except be reminded of it every day, right? That maybe there's someone out there wondering what happened to you...

S... shut up! That's enough! I don't need any of your psychological warfare! Even just hearing about it makes me ill.

Whatever you say... 

 Soppy sentimentality? Actually having to go out and work? No free Internet? You make me sick



Traveller Updates
Yves returned from Flevance Island to visit his parents Tia Arlert and Tadakichi Mihama! He has visited 7 islands so far.
Salvatore returned from Festaland Island to visit her parents Tia Arlert and Tadakichi Mihama! She has visited 2 islands so far.

Junya Ohta announced that his wife Reimu Hakurei was pregnant with their tenth child!
Augustine Sycamore announced that his wife Yuuka Kazami was pregnant with their sixth child!
Kikuchiyo Kanbei announced that his wife Rin Kaenbyou was pregnant with their first child!

Gensokyo Gourmands
Konata Izumi tried a Capuccino today. She thought it was the Worst!


Baldren Gassenarl announced that his wife Sanae Kochiya was pregnant with their sixth child!

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