21 July 2015

Not Just Any Mate

Yawn... another boring day at the news office... hey Kiba, I bought snacks from Food Mart just for you, so you don't starve while glued to that computer of y...


Kiba's gone! Where did he go? Ugh.... most certainly I'm not worried about such a lowlife like him. More rather, I don't want to have to toss out this awful unhealthy junk food. I'd never consume such horrid plebeian food myself, so if he doesn't eat it it's just going to stink up the office and go to waste.

Let's just assume Alex didn't actually kidnap him or terminate him. After all, despite all of Kiba's weird conspiracy theories and the rather bizarre things Alex has said, Alex is most definitely not some kind of alien robot cyborg assassin from the future sent back in time to fiddle with events of the past. I mean, his face is just like one of those stone statues.... who'd ever have that kind of idea to build a robot that looks like that, anyway?

Hmm... well ... he may have sneaked off to grab some free food. I noticed a few parties going on outside in the summer warmth, maybe he had the idea that he could mooch some comestibles off of them.

Speaking of mooching, I see a certain drunken Oni has invited herself to both parties...

Minamitsu Murasa celebrated her sixth birthday, and Rin Kaenbyou her nineteenth birthday, which is kind of odd considering that Murasa is a ghost and Orin's some kind of two-tailed demon cat, but maybe these creatures of Japanese folklore count their years a little differently. How old am I, anyway? Well, in comparison I'd say a fraction of their years, so I suppose it fits.

It is kinda strange that a drowned ghost and a hellfire cat would have the same kind of meals at their birthday parties ... omelette and rice with ketchup, what the heck kind of birthday treat is that? Ah well, it couldn't be helped, perhaps Gensokyo Island has only one catering company... and a pretty low-class one at that. But it would be good enough for Kiba... or would it?

It's strange to think of it, but as long as I've known him... well, I'm pretty sure he knows that they give out free food at parties like these, but it's rarely been enough to drag him out of the office, unless he's covering it as part of an assignment. Perhaps it's been something recent that has been surprising and shocking enough to interest him and actually drag him out of the office on its own... 

I guess this is... The Big Cheese. (He lives in little Tokyo)
So... hmm... what kinds of things does Kiba like other than food? In fact, I don't think he likes food so much as he needs it to live... eventually, so I suppose that one can be crossed out. What else does he like... hmm... girls? Does he even like girls, or does he just say that so people stop bothering him about... no, wait, let's not go there.
Well, yes of course! Another thing he likes would be games, and lots of them. But it doesn't make sense, if he uses his computer to play games, why would he leave? Surely his computer isn't bust... well, if it was, he'd either be cracking it open himself or trying to get some of the resident mad scientists like Overlord Mao or Maximillian Magma in to help him out.
On the other hand, hmm... maybe he's gone off to see some new games? I mean, most of this sort of thing makes use of the Internet now, but sometimes once in a while things are still distributed in a hard copy. Or if one wants to try something that's a little more traditionalist, or is it what they call, "retro"?
 Sounds like a great idea, let's test the imapct of futuristic technology on ancient technology. With Pokémon. In SPAAACE!!!
So, other than games, what else would he like that would pull him out of his shell? Oh, yes, Japanese animation and comics, I've seen him looking at those when he's not playing one of his computer games. And speaking of newness... I distinctly recall Okuu's Look-alike mentioning something about inviting new residents to Gensokyo Island for the first time in many moons. Hmm, let's check the records...
Wait, what? Someone new actually moved in? Who could it be... let's see...
Meito Anizawa is his name. Doesn't ring any bells, is he some kind of famous character from a game or series? And his profession... Anime and Manga merchandise store manager...
... oh wait. That explains so much. And that also explains why... why that bastard Kiba ran off with my stockpile of Caviar and Truffles. Ghh.... when I find that thieving miscreant, I swear I'm going to string him up, even if he's in some kind of silly cosplay. 
Happy 6th Birthday, Minamitsu Murasa!
Island Updates (Population: 63)
Please welcome Meito Anizawa, the newest resident of Gensokyo Island! He is an Outgoing Leader.
Happy 19th Birthday, Rin Kaenbyou!

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