18 May 2015

After a Fashion

Hey... hey, Rebecca, today's our turn to write up the assignment once again. And why are you dressed like such a ruffian if you're to interview the various residents of Gensokyo Island?

Wha... it don't matter, do it? We're flippin' explorers, it ain't like they're expectin' all 'at much from us. B'sides, I got most of my kit in the laundromat, and all I've got left are the clothes on my back.

I really don't understand you sometimes. Why would you toss all of your attire into the washing machine anyway? And why do you speak like that when your previous editorial shows you're perfectly capable of writing normally?

People ain't as simple as y'think they are, ya bloody toff. Din't yer ever read nothin' by Dahl's Chickens? Now just shut yer trap and let's get on w' the job.

Er, pardon? Never mind, she just seems really riled up. Do the less fortunate members of society behave like this all the time? I do believe that lifestyle choices have the impact of transforming one's personality, and it is no doubt that the limited options available to those from insufficiently privileged walks of life have led them down less savoury paths. Even something as basic as one's choice of clothing can reflect on the nature and likely conduct of any one individual.

Youmu goes back tos chool, while Kyubey hocks some merrch. Wshes, and Yuyuko's meals, don't pay for themselves, y'know!

As for Gensokyo Island's denizens, one thing I have to give Okuu's Look-alike credit for is for keeping every resident on sartorial adequacy. Beginning with the point at which they are entitled to receive clothing as gifts, upon reaching 'Level 20' or whatever that might be, Okuu's Look-alike has made sure to grant them the most expensive and thus most status-conferring attire with each opportunity. 

In particular, their very first gift is almost certainly the gem-encrusted Jewel Dress, worth a respectable $9990. Should the individual in question be desiring a hat at that point, they will be awarded a $1000 Regal Crown. Many unpleasant things have been said about Okuu's Look-alike in the time that I have been here, but not being generous is mostly certainly not one of them.

Beyond those initial offerings, the gifts slowly decrease in value until they reach the $100 mark and below, although this simply cannot be helped since not all items can possibly have the same value. It is interesting to note how Okuu's Look-alike confers gifts of clothing based on the character's gender presented - male characters receive male things, female characters receive female things, and female characters presenting as male receive ample compensation for their sacrifice by enjoying both sets of gifts. Naturally, this means that each character doesn't always like the gift they receive, but an individual's personal approval is obviously irrelevant compared to the benefits of possessing valuable items that enhance their social status on the island.

When left to their own devices, however... Gensokyo Island's residents have rather questionable choices in attire. Especially when, like today, they make unusually specific requests regarding the items they'd like to receive. How would I describe it? In a word ... "alternative".

Wriggle's bitten by the baseball bug, while Recette's puts the grass in Lemongrass, if you know what I mean.

In the meantime, Rebecca here has prepared a special report on... hey, Rebecca? Where's she gone? She was here just a minute ago... ah, there she is, she's just got back with some of the most recent updates. So, what news do you bring, Rebecca... you're looking rather pale there. Did something bad happen?

Ah, 's nothing, I'm just ... a li'l tired is all. I've got some of th' latest dirt on comin's and goin's here on Gensokyo Island. Most specifically, that on th' child-exportin' front. You c'n 'ave it while I... I take a bit of a breather.

Why, that's excellent. Toss it over here and we'll go through it together. Hm... so according to this report... what? One of Gensokyo Island's children has not only survived the time-space distortion, but also somehow managed to find their way back to visit their parents for a time? How's such a thing even possible? No wonder you're all white, Rebecca!

N... no, it ain't that in particular, 's just that...

So how did Michiko, daughter of Chiyo Mihama and Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, who was sent off with Toritori and the other six travellers in that horrific disaster of a trans-dimensional exchange, manage to actually return from there? Not just that, but she's also brought a letter from Yves, Tia Arlert and Tadakichi Mihama's son, and Chiyo and Shiki Eiki's eldest grandchild. I mean, the letter might be late and outdated compared to the one we've already received, but to actually come back in person... that's quite a feat!

Yves finds out that dating letters properly is hard, while Michiko inflates her eyeballs to the point of popping. Now you too!

I mean, how's that even possible? Remember what happened the last time? Edwado, the guy who was permanently traumatised after being drenched in a mist of blood formed from the obliterated bodies of his former travelling companions? Now it turns out that the third of the eight Gensokyo Island sent through that maelstrom may have made it through after all. No doubt Kiba's worries will be alleviated further by this news.

But hey, Yugen... don't you realise? There's no way a kid like us c'ld zip through time 'n space just under their own power, y' know? She must've found ' er way back some other way!

Some other way? Well, it's possible that the person running the island where Michiko visited might have encountered problems similar to the ones faced here on Gensokyo Island, and so they might have established contact with the time-space anomaly as well. It's unlikely but it's definitely not too far-fetched to be a possibility. If tampering with the time stream is such an everyday affair on this island it wouldn't be a surprise if other places could do it too...

Well, yes, but that's not what I meant! Look ' ere at these pics, I'll show you.

 Looks like Tenku's blasting off again... well, for the first time, actually. And Yuuko II's piggy little nose is... pretty hideous, actually.

So Utsuho Reiuji and Rinnosuke Morichika just packed their tenth child, Tenku, off as a traveller, and Yuyuko Saigyouji and Maximillian Magma just got their third child Yuuko II ready to... wait a minute. What does it mean here by "We'll have to wait a little longer until..."

Don't ya get it? You still remember what 'appened last week? Those eight kids? Well, whatever way in which it 'elped Gensokyo Island, 't's now over! We're gonna 'aveta do it again! And this time...

Wait, you mean all those travellers were minced up for nothing? Well, not for nothing, actually. Gensokyo Island did return to a regular level of functioning according to both Okuu's Look-alike and Kiba's testimony. But now all that's about to come to an end again? That's a really horrible thought, I can't imagine that seven of those eight travellers that followed Edwado here died just for a week's respite!

Not just that! Don't you see how Michiko managed to find 'er way back again, even if for a time? That Okuu's Look-alike threw the switch for that... timey-wimey thingy, again! And this time, 'eld it open just long enough for one explorer to get through. Buy us a li'l time until we 'ave gotta do it again!

What?! Why didn't you bring this up earlier? And do you have any evidence of that?
I guess y' can feast your eyes, mate.

 Let's do the time warp ag... oh, who am I kidding. It's not going to end, is it? Not that I really want it to end.

Wait... Rebecca, is that you at the front of the queue now? And that's Layla in the purple hair, the weird girl who Kiba said put on a hundred years overnight in a weird Howl's Moving Castle sort of way. Why didn't you bring this up earlier?

I... I was afraid.  And that's why I din't wanna show it to you. Yeah, I was so bloody terrified. I was told things would be more controlled now, and yet... and besides, these snaps were given to me.

Given? By whom? Who took these photographs?
Kiba. Said it was th' last thing he could do t' honour Toritori and 'er memory, was to work with Okuu's Look-alike to make this time... timey-wimey procedure secured. Made safe for travel. So that no other explorer would ever suffer th' same fate as those kids.

I see... so it was during this temporary distortion that Michiko managed to sneak back onto the island. And in the very near future, all of this will happen again, but hopefully in a more controlled fashion. For the safety of all the travellers involved. It's a sobering thought indeed.

Yeah. Never thought I'd even make it 'ere to Gensokyo Island under such circumstances, and now t' go back again through 'em? I got cold feet just thinking about it... but as they say, death is just a return home, after all. 

Wait, what? You can't seriously be thinking of...

Whatever 'appens, 'appens. That's just how it is.


Traveller Updates
Michiko returned from Breezie Island to visit her parents Chiyo Mihama and Shikieiki Yamaxanadu! She has visited 2 islands so far.
A boat from Verania Island arrived. Hibachi departed.

Relationships and Marriage
Augustine Sycamore and Toyohime Kirisame are no longer Best Friends!

Tenku, son of Utsuho Reiuji and Rinnosuke Morichika, grew up. He was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!


Relationships and Marriage
Chiyo Mihama and Kaguya Houraisan became Best Friends!

Gary Oak announced that his wife Evil Spirit Mima was pregnant with their second child!

Gensokyo Gourmands
Unyuho Reiuji tried some Blue Cheese today. It's her All-Time Favourite food!  

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