23 June 2015

100 Ears of Foppitude

Don't you feel it, Yugen?

... w.... what?

It's in the air... it's like this island has suddenly become...

More quiet? Bah, don't be silly. Compared to those bad days from some time ago, Gensokyo Island has been positively bustling. Okuu's Look-alike running around pandering to the denizens' whims like a proper servant should be doing, instead of sequestering herself away making snide remarks about islanders' unusual lassitude.

Not exactly that, rather... it's like the island's become more agreeable somehow. Everyone's started to get along. And not necessarily in a good way.

How could everyone getting along not be good? Unless...

That's right. It's as if some portal leading to a place dark and ominous has appeared, and the character of the island itself - the very thing that makes it distinctive - has mysteriously fallen in.

Attack on Titan meets Portal .... blimey, this has got to be the weirdest dream I've ever had.

I'm not sure I understand you at all, Kiba. I mean, yes, it does feel that something's different from day to day, but nothing so fundamental or so exceptional as to be a cause for worry. I do hope you're not imagining things...

I most certainly am not. Even as we speak, it feels like... it feels as if something special, unnatural, even otherworldly is happening at this moment. 

I'm not feeling it... well, perhaps I am, a little, but I can't really say for certain. And how exactly would you describe this unusual, otherworldly feeling?

It's as if... as if all the world's problems have been solved. As if a great black hole, leaching away at the very essence of our being itself has been closed up... a strange feeling of contentment and satisfaction. That kind of feeling.

I'm not sure I understand you, but the feeling that all's right in this world... well, I'd agree that would be both extremely unusual yet also pleasant.

 Youmu, can I have a glass of water? Another one? Be glad it's not a ten-course dinner at least.

Well, yes. It would be pleasant. If only it wasn't so bizzare and unnatural. In other words, it feels that this world has been slowly but most definitely "harmonised" somehow. It has been forcefully laid alongside some existential ruler and straightened into a shape which it would never have assumed.

What? I don't... you've lost me, Kiba. That's a little far-fetched for my understanding.

What I'm saying, Yugen, is that some cosmic forces are at work here. The reality of Gensokyo Island and its fate have bent to suit some even greater purpose, and all of us - the islanders, Okuu's Look-alike, you and me... we're just haplessly curved along with it. We're being moulded into something which neither you nor I... something which none of us had even fathomed.

You're... unusually philosophical, Kiba. Please don't tell me this isn;t just another one of your conspiracy theories born out of playing way too many computer games.
A conspiracy theory would be a more reassuring way of describing it, if only it was so. Unfortunately, this shaping. of our fates... this moulding, this harmonising... it is real. How do you explain that so many things have gone right and ended happily for Gensokyo Island and its denizens over the past week or so?

 Would you like to live on an island that smells like pancakes 24/7? Zen of Tatsumi Island sure would! Although I'd imagine it'd get soggy after a while.

Over the past week? Are you saying you can pinpoint a specific start date for this phenomenon or whatever you believe Gensokyo Island is experiencing?

Yes... it has to be. The date that HE came.

He? Who's he? What are you even talking about?

Don't you get it? The alien robot giant stone head assassin from the future. It's got to be him! He's been sent here for the very purpose of warping Gensokyo Island's reality to suit the desires of his overlords resident in another dimension. He's the reason why everything's inexplicably turned out for the better over the past few days. He's been 'harmonising' us.

Alien... robot... stone head... what, you mean Alex? Oh, goodness me, I can't believe I even put a single microbe of faith in your words. This is just another weird conspiracy theory of yours, Kiba, and I'll have none of it.

It's no theory, it is real! I mean, just look around you! Gensokyo Island is mysteriously healthier, happier, even our futures have been rewritten to make them ever more pleasant than before. A place like this doesn't have a sniff of a chance to carve out a happy future for its own... clearly, it must have been edited in for us.

  A happy future, yes indeed! One filled with the shrill cackles of a whip-cracking dominatrix and the delighted whoops of a metrosexual of heroic build.

Kiba, I've had just enough of your nonsense. I'm not listening to any more of your attempts to lure me into some conspiracy or practical joke of yours, however vivid you might make it out to be. If I could just escape from your mad ramblings for a moment...

And so, according to my hypothesis, this should be about the time when reality rewrites itself to conveniently give Yugen what he wants. As long as it conforms to the whims and desires of the otherworldly beings guiding our fate.

Just shut up, you con. Are you saying you expect a boat or a Travel Ticket to just mysteriously appear out of nowhere? You're so full of yourself, you can't even accept the insanity of your own illogical claims.

Is that so, Yugen? Is it not that I too have been made a part of this strange contentment and satisfaction by being allowed to be aware of this phenomenon. Fret not... stranger things have happened. Stranger things indeed. We should merely be happy that whatever overlords have chosen to mould our fate happen to be benevolent ones.

Enough, I'm leaving. I'm not listening to a word more of your.... what's this, a gift? Brilliant, and how unexpected!
.... heh heh heh ... I told you so ...

 You know what I'd like more? For you to get along so I can hoard these Travel Tickets for myself. But one can't have everything in an imperfect world.


Relationships and Marriage
Marisa Kirisame and Mothra Kazamatsuri became Best Friends!

Almaz Beoulve announced that his wife Koyomi Saigyouji was pregnant with their second child!



Traveller Updates 
Yuuko II, daughter of Yuyuko Saigyouji and Maximillian Magma, wrote back from Tatsumi Island! She has visited 1 island so far.

Sadie was born to Yuuka Kazami and Augustine Sycamore. It's their sixth child! She is a Confident Designer.
Adam was born to Koyomi Saigyouji and Almaz Beoulve. It's their second child! She is an Independent Free Spirit.   

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