16 June 2015

Oh Moai God!

Hey, Kiba, have you heard the good news...

WHOA!!! Bloody hell, Yugen, don't tell me that freak Christian got to you! I don't want yet another weirdo wandering around handing out pamphlets and evangelising about...

Hey, calm down! I'm being perfectly serious here. And it has nothing to do with that rather obtrusive chap insistent on forcing his dogma into people's faces.

Oh, whew. You frightened me for a second. So... what is this "real" good news?

A couple of boats pulled up at the port earlier, and better yet, they were real visitors, not summoned from the mists of time or anything similar. And it turns out we have a new traveller, another bloke...

What luck, not only do we have two visitors in a day, but we have an actual normal-looking traveller, too! Not to mention crazy staring Edwado is gone.

What, seriously? An actual traveller who was foolish... um, fortunate enough to journey here of his own free will to visit this godforsaken wasteland... um, wonderful place that is Gensokyo Island? Most certainly, as per the code of the Young Journalists of Bunbunmaru Updates, we must abduct, coerce, and press-gang... um, kindly invite him to join our ranks, in the name of truth, integrity, and newspaper sales.

Ah... yes, I'll gather the necessary equipments. It's a time like this which induces me to reminisce about the time we spent together with Rebecca...

Oh bah, don't go soft on me now. One more sucker slaving away for Aya Shameimaru means less workload for the rest of us. Now grab your stuff and go, we have one big fish to catch!


Wow, just look at that sculpted face, those bronzed features... a masterwork of a Mii.


So, he doesn't really seem anything like I was expecting. I was thinking we'd find another kid we could sucker to do our bidding... instead it's someone tall, dark, and kinda quiet but fierce-looking. 

You are right, Kiba. I'm reminded of... of a native warrior, a tribesman of some sort...

I've got it! It's that giant stone head that keeps showing up in computer games as some sort of cameo... what's it called again?

A Maori, that's right. He definitely looks like the strong silent type.

No, a Moai! Those giant stony faces. I mean, just look at him! It's like he's hard as rock. And that nose...

Hello. The name is Alex. Is there something I can do for you.


   This guy knows which side of his bread is buttered. Or maybe he's just paying me back for liking him quite a bit.

I understand your suspicions. I assure you, I am neither a stone head nor an indigenous warrior. I am a traveller from Green Island.

Whoa, he can talk! It's hard to believe, but he's actually just a traveller like us!

Well, that's a little underwhelming. I was expecting a more dramatic background, but I guess just being a traveller like us is pretty decent as well. But his accent is rather unnerving. Almost monotonous, in fact.

Maybe he's actually some super-advanced robot from the future, sent to kill me before I can discover the secret to... well, then he would have an Australian accent as well, but...

Surely you meant Austria, not Australia... and besides, the Maoris are from New Zealand, not Austria... I mean Australia.
You may not be aware, but I can hear and comprehend you fully. 

Aliens! If it's not a robot, t's gotta be aliens! You know, like the aliens that came to Earth and built those giant stone heads, and even put hats on them as well! So he's gotta be an alien giant stone head futuristic Australian robot assassin thingy.

But the giant stone heads were built by tribal warriors, not aliens! That's why I said he was more like an indigenous native warrior. And he already said he was a person, not a robot or a stone head.
That's just what the illuminati want you to believe! Don't tell me you're starting to succumb to all those lies after you had a talk with that Christian fellow...

This is certainly a unique encounter.

 I'm starting to thing he actually is a giant stone head brought to life. I mean, the first person he met was mad scientist Mao for goodness' sake.

Right, right. As I am a gentleman, I apologise for the trouble, sir. My name is Yugen, and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

My name is Alex.

I heard you the first time, worry not. So, according to your traveller passport here, you've... whoa, visited more islands than both Kiba and I put together? Oh, well, it seems like it's been mostly moving between the same two islands, but it says you started your journey almost a year ago? Now that's pretty impressive!

Wow, we have an old-timer here? I told you he was as ancient as those giant stone heads!

... Thank you.

And it says here the last place you came from was called Pokemon Island? It's hard to imagine you fitting in, but what was it like? I'm just curious.

It was...

Speaking of Pokémon, I've got it! With that red hair and rock-hard face and hairstyle, you know what he reminds me of? That Pokémon with a stone face and a giant nose and a red hat! That's it! So, is that great big hooter of yours magnetic or something?

Just because he last came from Pokemon Island doesn't mean he is a Pokémon, you know! Anyway, when you're done packing up your tent tomorrow, come look for us at the Bunbunmaru Updates office, there's someone who'd like to meet you. 

I do not even...

Not from Australia after all? But it seems exotic enough! And he even calls Okuu's Look-alike "brother". Swag.


Traveller Updates
A boat from Pokemon Island arrived. Alex of Green Island alighted, Lilith departed.
A boat from Windfall Island arrived. Edwado of DaiDueLati Island departed.  


Patricia, daughter of Patchouli Knowledge and Overlord Mao, grew up. She was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
Regina, daughter of Unyuho Morichika and Berthold Gregor, grew up.  She was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!

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