20 January 2015

Borrowed Time

I ... I'm a nervous wreck.

My heart leapt in my throat that moment, when I saw that ship approaching Gensokyo Island's port, hoisting the flag denoting it as licensed to carry passengers and cargo between islands. I knew we would have to part some time, but not now ... not ever.

I gulped audibly, as if I was strenuously trying to force my heart back into its place in my chest, the moment that ship pulled up at the dock and its robotic crewmen heaved a crate of its trade goods onto the port. It landed with a loud thump that so startled me I nearly fell to the ground, my knees quaking and quivering, unable to bring myself to face the inevitable.

My love, my idol ... the pink-haired girl, Umi, was leaving. She braced herself to leap onto the boat in the dramatic fashion so beloved by idols in their performances, and I ... I braced myself for the inevitable.

Wow, an actual streetpass, and not one torn out of the fabric of reality itself.  It's been a while.

A blow to my morale so severe I swear I would have dashed my head out against the lamp post once I was sure her radiant smile, her gentle gaze, was completely out of sight. And yet, somehow ... somehow, it was not to be.

Mysteriously, just as she was about to take that leap of faith to travel to a new unknown world, the silent crew member of the boat raised its hand to signal to her to come no nearer. Barely able to steady herself, the momentum almost taking her into the water, Umi and I watched, dumbstruck, as the boat revved up its motor and sped away into the distance without picking up a single passenger.

How ... why? I was torn inside, having been prepared to face the worst, only to suddenly be handed a lifeline ... no, one that was merely a temporary stay from an inevitable fate. 

My love, my life ... I was living on borrowed time. And the day of reckoning would come, one day. But not today.

Yuzu told me, once I had sufficiently recovered myself, that these sort of things happen when an island's immigration office is totally full up and they can't accept any more travellers. That, she said, was a sign that an island's ruler/dictator/tyrant was a lazy-ass bastard ... I mean a busy person who's unable to even spare the time to open their immigration office. As such, traders exporting goods from that island make it a point not to accept any more travellers on their boats, knowing that they would never be processed by the immigration office. Umi must have known this too, but perhaps we all already knew, and we are merely consciously holding back that fear of being lost for all time.

Knowing this, I can't help but feel how close I was not simply to losing Umi, but having her damned to an eternity of waiting for a lazy-ass bastard ... I mean extremely busy island owner to check their immigration office, effectively freezing her in limbo forever. I couldn't hold my feelings back any longer, blurting out ... "Take me instead!"

"I agree." Yuzu nodded, a warped smile on her face. That girl freaks me out.

 (OOC: If you no longer play Tomodachi Life, please disable its Streetpass function! Seriously. Don't muck it up for the rest of us who still enjoy this game.)

Announcing - Pokemon Z! Now with Trainer mega evolutions! Mega Sycamore vs Mega Gary Oak, fight!

Apart from that heart-stopping moment, today was rather unremarkable, a bit of a contrast from the past week or so. It must be karma, having that moment of absolute terror, to balance out the relief of an almost normal and ordinary day. There were no letters from travellers, no romances, not even any talk of new children. 

At the same time, though, things at the port are starting to grow worse again. With Akihiko, son of Utsuho Reiuji and Rinnosuke Morichika, having joined the crowd of hopeful travellers from Gensokyo Island, our rations have started to diminish again. Thankfully, since only three of us are non-natives of this island, the other travellers were kind enough to help us out by mooching a little off their parents (and using their bathrooms) to give us just enough to be comfortable. What can I say - does this prove that the denizens of Gensokyo Island do indeed have a kind heart buried somewhere deep within them? Or that my beloved Umi is so charming she was able to convince the others to help us out?

Ugh ... anyway, let's get on with today's report, where we interviewed Gensokyo Island's notorious kleptomaniac witch, Marisa Kirisame! Oh, that's right. I lent her my notes when she asked to 'borrow' them after the interview. I guess I'll just have to get it back ...

What do you mean that's not what 'borrowing' means to Marisa???

Aya Shameimaru is dumbstruck at the stupidity of her junior reporters. And delicious Hot Dogs.

Gosh darn it to heck! We're just going to have to write up a new interview. I'm really sorry for the mess ... I promise I'll get it to you as soon as I can. Ugh... and there I thought people who lived here actually had a kind heart in them.

Thankfully, we do have another project from our junior reporters' detachment to present. The "Miis and QR codes" factfile, in which we'll keep the accumulated data from our interviews with Gensokyo Island's residents. It's a little thin now, but it'll slowly grow as we build up our stock of character profiles. Please check it out for a quick reference guide to the denizens of Gensokyo Island. You can find it here.

I guess I'll leave now with just the usual daily updates. I'd better get that report out soon - if Umi finds out it was me who lost it... if she finds out how I freaked out about her almost leaving, I'll just so die of shame...

Oh ... hi, Umi... So, how long have you been looking over my shoulder?


BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 20th January 2015

Traveller Updates
A boat from Mashiro Island arrived.

Relationships and Marriage
Baldren Gassenarl and Kyouko Kasodani became best friends! 

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