Waaah! What's all of the ruckus! A celebration? About what? Why???
Everybody partaaay!!! And don't let Yuyuko eat all the food or Suika drink all the booze!
I can't believe it. I've more miserable than I've ever been in my life and these weirdos around me are celebrating? Ugh, I might as well get on with my job of transmitting my report about one of the denizens of this island. The first report being, for good reason, the Look-alike of the infernal creature responsible for this steaming morass. Perhaps she even seems to delight in my torment as well, for she will be adding her own input about her so-called "creations". I thus introduce ...
Utsuho Reiuji
All information correct as of 10 January 2015
Conveniently also helping to celebrate having collected all treasures as well!
Name: Utsuho Reiuji
Nickname: Okuu
Date of Birth: ???
Personality: Outgoing Trendsetter
Favourite Colour: Green
Quotation: "Nuclear power!"
Utsuho Reiuji is the Stage 6 Final Boss character of Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism, by Team Shanghai Alice. She is a hell raven youkai who can control the power of nuclear fusion.
I'd like to think the Touhou character that I look the most similar to is Okuu, and it also helps that she's one of my favourite characters! She wears spectacles because I do, and it helps me identify with her mii. However, her personality and favourite colour are probably the opposite of mine, after all, we are only look-alikes!

Husband: Rinnosuke Morichika
Best Friend: Kyouko Kasodani
Children: Unyuho Morichika, Rinko, Sora
Kyouko was the second character introduced to the island, so they were guaranteed to become best friends and it has stuck so far! In the case of Kourin, I didn't try to engineer the relationship but he decided to confess to Okuu, and Okuu later proposed to him after one failed attempt. They've fought once in a while but have otherwise been an excellent pairing. Unyuho, their first child, is a resident on the island while the other two are travellers. Sora also has the distinction of being the first traveller to ever return to visit his parents!
Unyuho, Rinko, and Sora! That hair dye on Kourin in the first picture...
Relatives: Rin Kaenbyou (other relative)
As the main character mii, Okuu also has the honour of being the only person on the island capable of being assigned relatives other than parents or children. Of course, Rin Kaenbyou was therefore given the right to be designated Okuu's (undefined) relative, although this may change if other characters from Subterranean Animism are introduced to the island. Rightfully, she should be Okuu's best friend, but a Kyouko is fine too, right?
Okuu and Orin sharing good times together, and sometimes not so good times as well. Danmaku battle!
All-time Favourite: Pretzel
Okuu's Look-alike Rating - Pretzel: Really Like! I enjoy both sweet and salty pretzels and will buy them once in a while. Those tiny, hard biscuit-like things though, those aren't pretzels, they're party snacks and they are quite gross.
Song Participation:
I Love Nuclear Power, Techno, solo singer.
Too Much Water, Techno, backup singer for Rogues' Gallery
Okuu lays the smackdown on Suika in a rap battle. You can also see the two newest characters here!
Apartment: Apt. 101 (Anything but rats!!!)
Islander Tier Rating: Top Tier
Okuu is the life of the party on Gensokyo Island and can be found participating in just about any activity. She also befriends new islanders quickly due to her pre-existing huge network of friends, and the effect is cumulative as you may expect. However, Okuu is also known for her ... lively danmaku battles with anyone who gets on her wrong side, which is just about everybody at some point or another. Wouldn't you like to add someone who's both friendly and fiery to your island?
With a Holiday interior as well, for those who missed it.
BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 10th January 2015
Island Updates (Population 50)
Please welcome Ken Izumi (no relation to Konata Izumi), the newest resident of Gensokyo Island! He is a Confident Go-Getter.
Relationships and Marriage
Ramza Beoulve and Konata Izumi became sweethearts! They were set up by Rinnosuke Morichika.
Tia was born to Recette Lemongrass and Armin Arlert. It's their second child! She is an Outgoing Trendsetter
Gensokyo Gourmands
Sanae Kochiya tried a Frozen Treat today. It's her Favourite food!
Kikuchiyo Kanbei tried a Waffle today. He thought it was the Worst Ever!
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