Don't any of you people out there know what torture it is being trapped in this purgatory? Just listen to this quote from, as previously described, the so-called "nicest" person on Gensokyo Island.
It's like a game within a game, isn't it, Kyouko?
And now there's this guy, Alexandre, who just arrived at the port yesterday who's handing out brochures and making speeches, saying he wants to start a "team" and liberate all Miis from their cruel dictatorial island overlords. And then something else about activating a secret weapon, causing planetwide climate change, and remaking the entire world to be free of silly things like "starving", "wanting to be friends", and "I have romantic feelings for so-and-so".
Of course, we all know he's nuts, seeing who his parents are, but it kind of disturbs me how today a couple of other children from the island headed for the docks to line up to board the ship along with us travellers. And what do you know, there wasn't enough room for all of them! Gensokyo Island's port is fully occupied with travellers, and these kids have nowhere to go.
It's no surprise that they decided to become Alexandre's team "executives" and aid him in his crazy schemes. We travellers know they've been kicked out from their homes by the tyrannical Okuu's Look-alike running this island, but it's simply a testament to how vile and deranged the denizens of this island are that even their children want to see the entire world consumed in flames.
Alexandre Sycamore (with a less blatantly villainous hairstyle), Carmilla Knowledge, and Kenji Kitazawa, with their parents.
And more recuits will join them in the coming days. The next villainous team? You've been warned!
Apart from the port being full to overflowing and us travellers now having to make do with diminished rations, Gensokyo Island was its usual bipolar self today as its denizens seemed abuzz celebrating some sort of milestone in its history. The first time they made travellers dig through rubbish and compost just to find enough calories to live? Well, that, and something else too.
Today, a special party was thrown for Gensokyo Island's dictator-for-life, Okuu's Look-alike, for apparently "solving 3,500 Mii problems". Really? Solving problems? How about solving the problem of us poor travellers being marooned on this madhouse? I have heard rumours that Okuu's Look-alike is looking into ... drastic solutions for addressing the issue of the island being overcrowded with travellers, and possibly stave off a rebellion by the children who were forcibly made to leave the island forever. Though Yuzu tells me not to hope for much, I can't help but dream, and beg, and pray, that one day I'll be able to leave this place and see my family again. That Okuu's Look-alike will, in fact, be able to solve my problem one day.
As long as it's not with a danmaku bullet to the head.
Gensokyo Island! Where piss-drunk newscasters are the norm. Suika's voice needs to be heard to be believed.
With that being said, we have lined up for you now the character profile of the next denizen of Gensokyo Island. Someone whom, like me, agrees that pretty much everybody else on this island is simply, totally, and utterly off their rocker. I now present ... Wriggle Nightbug, this is your life!
Wriggle Nightbug
All information correct as of 13 January 2015
Name: Wriggle Nightbug
Nickname: Wriggle
Date of Birth: 18th April 2004
Personality: Confident Adventurer
Favourite Colour: Dark Blue
Quotation: "Wriggle Kick!"
Wriggle Nightbug is the Stage 1 Boss character of Touhou 8: Imperishable Night by Team Shanghai Alice. She is a firefly youkai with the ability to control all sorts of insects.
Wriggle is the first character who will be introduced who, as a result of her boyish behaviour and attire, I have chosen to identify as a male character despite actually being female. Please don't cry foul about this - it's primarily due to the limitations of Tomodachi Life that this has become necessary. It also matches in that she will naturally prefer "male" clothes such as shorts and trousers over dresses and skirts, as her actual character is depicted wearing shorts.
All the same, to keep her options open, I give her dresses as presents once in a while - the sole perk of being a female character identified as male on this island is having the widest selection of clothes possible. And yes, she attires herself in "feminine" clothing every once in a while, too.
The canonical Wriggle is weaker than the heroines, but makes up for it by being determined to succeed and be respected even in spite of her weakness, and that's what I tried to bring out with her personality. However, I had to make a few improvisations with her appearance in Mii Maker thanks to the legendarily plain source art, by making her look more bug-like and less generically cute.
Living in the rain will surely give you a dour outlook on life. Just ask the Scots.
Wife: Kyouko Kasodani
Best Friend: Gary Oak
Children: Mushihime, Yamako, Hachiko
Kyouko and Wriggle were originally the only "children" on the island, and as a result the only people they could enter a romantic relationship with were each other. I tried to remedy this later by adding other child Miis, but they fell for each other anyway. Perhaps it was the somewhat forced nature of the pairing which led Wriggle to reconsider her future with Kyouko.
However, as an addendum to the tragedy/horror story of poor Kyouko's love life as described yesterday, it was in fact Wriggle who proposed to Kyouko for their second marriage, perhaps as a way of making up for initiating the divorce, but honestly I still have difficulty forgiving her for it. Wriggle is now the lynchpin holding the marriage together after Kyouko has taken some wild mood swings in the past few days, and I definitely hope they'll pull through - one of the few things worse than divorce is a second divorce. From the same person, no less.
Wriggle, being the determined one, also went for a very long time without having a best friend until finally finding her match with Gary Oak some time ago. They don't have the exact same personality, but they do match in that both have something to prove and are possessed by a never-say-die spirit of perseverance.
Wriggle enjoys a maracas party with some of Gensokyo Island's more playful residents. Ay muchachos!
Food Preferences:
All-time Favourite: Chocolate Sundae
Worst Ever: Buffalo Wings
Okuu's Look-alike Rating - Buffalo Wings: Love! I love chicken wings as well as hot sauce. The more terrifyingly, pants-soilingly spicy, the better. Wriggle probably just can't take the heat, being a bug and all.
Song Participation:
Choujuu Gigaku (Remix), Metal, lead guitar for Dog and Flea
Living Next Door to Alice, Musical, backup singer for Three Dolls Down
Imagine being able to eat nothing but your most hated food ever, and you have to chase after it too! What a nightmare!
Apartment: Apt. 103
Islander Tier Rating: Top Tier
Wriggle is a demanding person who's straight to the point about what she wants, and she wants things often. Because Okuu's Look-alike is such a nice and accommodating person, this has contributed to Wriggle being one of the more pampered denizens of Gensokyo Island. However, Wriggle isn't one who frequently looks out for new friends, instead, others seek to know her, hoping to capitalise on her frank and straightforward nature to guide them upward in the social pecking order on Gensokyo Island.
Wriggle might be "just" a bug, but she's a hell of a determined one who's out to carve her own path in life and won't let anyone, even those stronger than her, boss her around. Drive, determination, and direction, all in a package that's small and unassuming at first glance - do you need someone like that on your island? Underestimate her at your own peril!
Like Kyouko, Wriggle is also aged up so age her down for her original look. Also, note the gender settings.
BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 13th January 2015
Carmilla, daughter of Patchouli Knowledge and Overlord Mao, grew up. She was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
Kenji, son of Youmu Konpaku and Drake Kitazawa, grew up. He was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
Samael was born to Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Overlord Laharl. It's their second child! He is an Independent Thinker.
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