The other one, though, Yuzu, keeps watching me from a distance. Her expression doesn't change even when I catch her staring at me. I do my best to act like I don't notice, that it doesn't affect me ... but it does. Her piercing gaze eats away at me. Maybe she's become one of them ... like those ungodly, hellish freaks ... like Gensokyo Island's denizens.
I do have to admit that the mood of the island seems to have shifted since the events ... well, since I regained consciousness. The island's residents seem to look more cheerful somehow, and I wonder why... perhaps they're glad that we're gone, so their demonspawn can now continue with their mission of proliferating across the universe? If I was one of them ... and I'm glad I'm not, but if I was, I'd be happy too. I do feel a little kinship with those of their own whom they send out to roam the world, as they recount experiences which are familiar to my companions ... well, former companions, at least. Who are now gone. Forever.
Why hasn't anyone coloured his hair yet? Come on, you guys!
The first mail ship to arrive "since the distortion ended", or so Yuzu says, brought a letter from Vytautas, first son of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Overlord Laharl, who's currently staying at Nikoniko Island. The happy news must have pushed the vertically-challenged couple to proceed with kitting up their second son, Samael, to head off as a traveller as well.
It's kind of strange that of the 7 travellers from Gensokyo Island lined up behind us, only one of them is a girl. Even now, I hear that the recently-born children Rafa, daughter of Margit and Archie, as well as Koyomi, newborn daughter of Yuyuko and Maxie, are lined up to be new residents here pending "full results". So, does Okuu's Look-alike hate boys or something? But I'm a boy ... so is that why I've been having such a rough time in this accursed place?
This is terrifying. I even hear that a kid only several months my senior, Unyuho Morichika, after being treated with a aging serum, proposed to the 51-year old army general Berthold Gregor. And he accepted! I don't know whether all this has come about because the islanders here have no morals, no taste, no common sense, or none of the aforementioned.
I feel you, Hito. I have no idea how this match happened but I just go with the flow. And love won through.
The only way these anomalies could be explained would be, as our senior (and also very much deranged) newspaper editor Aya Shameimaru argued, to go right back to their source. In fact, at this moment she was running backwards round and round Gensokyo Island, claiming that if she ran fast enough time would rewind and we could examine events more closely once again. Or maybe she was just high on chilli dogs ... no, she was definitely high.
So, to go back to the source, we had to speak with the one who was responsible for all of this. The creator. The architect. The maker. No, I don't mean Okuu's Look-alike. I meant someone everyone on the island actually respects. That would be Junya Ohta, creator of the Touhou Project series, who is better known as ZUN.
Junya Ohta
All information correct as of 18 January 2015
ZUN hanging with the girls in Gensokyo Island's early days.
Name: Junya Ohta
Nickname: ZUN
Date of Birth: Find it on the internet
Personality: Easygoing Dreamer
Favourite Colour: White
Quotation: "Buy my games!"
Junya Ohta, better known by his fans as ZUN, is the sole member of Team Shanghai Alice and the creator of the Touhou Project series of games. He is also the only Mii based on a real-life person currently living on Gensokyo Island, and while there have been plans for others none will be added for quite some time yet. To avoid discussion about the real-life person, all information below will pertain only to the Mii version of him, except when they are based on his real-life interests and preferences.
ZUN, as one of the most senior residents, has gained the reputation of being the 'King' of Gensokyo Island, much like how his real-life version is addressed as 'Kannushi' or 'Head Priest' by respectful fans. He's an easygoing guy, friendly and approachable, but that's only for the best as no one wants to get on his bad side, lest they be written out of the Touhou Project series forever. Of course, bribing him with beer, good music, and video games also helps.
ZUN's reputation as being the head honcho of Gensokyo Island does somehow seem to have effects on the game - whenever he attempts to set up a romance between two other characters, he always succeeds. It's only natural that his Mii knows all the ins and outs of every other character on this island dedicated to his works.
The best part of having a (good) musician for a suitor are the serenades.
Wife: Reimu Hakurei
Best Friend: Kyubey Incubator
Children: Reiko, Junichiro, Juntaro, Junzo
Much has already been said about ZUN and Reimu's romantic relationship and family on Reimu's biography, so there's little more to add about it. All I can say is that this is one of my favourite pairings on the island - they have gotten along really well so far, made lots of children, and my favourite part of it are the cute and touching things both of them say about each other. It almost seems real knowing the actual ZUN's passion for his own projects. And beer.
ZUN and Reimu's four children have all become travellers, though with the benefit of hindsight I regret not inviting Reiko to stay. Will they get lonely in their old age? Keep cranking out those kids and maybe one with an interesting personality will be born. The other couple to have four children, Okuu and Kourin, have one child living on this island, so they're better off, though Kyouko and Wriggle could join the former if their newest child becomes a traveller too.
As for best friends, I haven't a clue why but ZUN seems to get along exceptionally well with Kyubey Incubator, a being who happens to be a specialist in cute little magic-using girls. Perhaps they share ideas on funny costumes to give to their, uh, creations. As to the other things he does ... please don't borrow any more ideas from Kyubey, thank you very much!
ZUN and Reimu's children - Reiko (the girl), Junichiro (top right, parents with dyed hair), Juntaro (bottom left), Junzo (bottom right)
Food Preferences
All-Time Favourite: Melon
Favourite: Salmon Meunière
Okuu's Look-alike Rating - Melon: Dislike! I just dislike melons in general due to their grainy texture and a taste that I just can't place. I'd eat it if it was the only thing I had for a whole day, but I don't have to like it.
ZUN is one of the lucky ones who have both their all-time favourite and favourite deduced without finding either their worst or worst ever - fitting for the King of Gensokyo Island. Although it's strange that he doesn't like Spiced Apple Cider, the closest thing to actual alcohol. Maybe he'd rather drink something else rather than a pale imitation of his favourite.
Song Participation:
Marisa My Love, Ballad, backup singer for Marisa Fan Club
ZUN might be a musician, but he's not necessarily a singer. Karaoke and anime songs (especially while drunk!) don't count. Still, he mustn't forget to declare his love for his number two protagonist.
How to become a Touhou main character - flatter ZUN. How to never appear in another game - get into an argument with him.
Apartment: Apt. 105
Islander Tier Rating: Top Tier
As the 'King' of Gensokyo Island, it's no surprise that even the ground ZUN has walked upon is worshipped. Heck, the shopkeepers even say 'Come back ZUN!' after you buy something from them. It's like ZUN is everywhere here - even if you're not his friend, you'd do well to respect him and stay on his good side.
It also helps how his all-time favourite food is one that only adds 1/4 fullness - for those interested in levelling up characters, this is extremely valuable as eating two all-time favourite foods gives at least one level up. If a character's favourite food also adds only 1/4 fullness, it's possible to give a character 1 1/2 levels for 3/4 fullness, while a character with a 3/4 fullness food for their all-time favourite would only receive 1/2 level for the same fullness. Long story short, ZUN is also incredibly blessed for having an all-time favourite that fills him up very little.
I don't need to provide any more explanations as to why ZUN is awesome. In essence, do you like the Touhou Project series? Do you play Tomodachi Life? Then you need ZUN on your island now.
The real ZUN even dresses like that, too! Flat cap, two layers of shirt, and spectacles of awesome!
BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 18th January 2015
Traveller Updates
Vytautas, son of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Overlord Laharl, wrote back from Nikoniko Island! He has visited 3 islands so far.
Relationships and Marriage
Tadakichi Mihama and Tia Arlert became sweethearts! They were set up by Maximillian Magma.
Unyuho Morichika proposed to Berthold Gregor today. He accepted! Congratulations to the newly married couple!
Samael, son of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Overlord Laharl, grew up. He was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
Koyomi was born to Yuyuko Saigyouji and Maximillian Magma. It's their first child! She is a Confident Designer.
Gensokyo Gourmands
Aya Shameimaru tried a Hot Dog today. It's her All-time Favourite food!
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