Gensokyo Island reached another exciting new milestone today! The mail ship that drew up brought letters from Gensokyo Island's travellers, and much joy was had by the lucky parents upon receiving news of their children's successful adventures. In particular, Juan, the son of Recette Lemongrass and Armin Arlert, reported about the third island he had visited, and how he had been awarded the traveller rank of 3, making him Gensokyo Island's most successful traveller! And his hair's been painted purple, as well! Success is a new hair colour!
Juntaro, second son of Reimu Hakurei and Junya Ohta, also wrote back from Relay Point Island, a funny place which every boat always seems to pass by no matter where they're going. It was a good consolation prize for the parents, whose other son Junichiro was formerly Gensokyo Island's most successful son. Ah ... seeing young travellers revelling at their successes, no matter how small, always brings a tear to my eye ... sniff. Don't cry now, Umi. We've all been there! Come on everyone! Go, fight! Hurrah!
Juan and islander Shizuka looking dapper at the beach!
So, some hot scoop here, everyone! I've had a little discussion with Gensokyo Island's absolutely kind and pleasant overlord, Okuu's Look-alike, and she has reassured me that she's trying to acquire some means of peacefully solving the traveller overcrowding problem here. And I don't mean issuing silencers to the firing squad! Basically, she's trying to negotiate a trade agreement with other tyrants ... I mean friendly island owners. The one problem, however, is that it's going to cost money. Lots of money. And I don't mean Mii money, I mean ...
What's that cloud in the distance heading this way all of a sudden. Was it because I mentioned money ... aaah, I don't have any! Don't hurt me! Here, take this character profile, that of Gensokyo Island's most infamous money-grubbing shrine maiden, Reimu Hakurei!
Reimu Hakurei
all information correct as of 14 January 2015.
Name: Reimu Hakurei
Nickname: Reimu
Date of Birth: 20th November 1996
Personality: Confident Designer
Favourite Colour: Red
Quotation: "Give me money!"
Reimu Hakurei is the main character of the Touhou Project series by Team Shanghai Alice. She has been a playable character in every primary installment of the Touhou Project games, and appears in almost every other official game. She is a human shrine maiden with the power to fly, whether it be in the sky, or away from reality itself. However, when not solving incidents she spends most of her time cleaning her shrine, collecting donations, eating sweets, and beating up youkai.
Of course, as the main character it's only natural that Reimu was one of the first islanders to be added to an island themed around Touhou Project characters. Her personality matches canon in that she's the type to head out to solve an incident when she knows of one, but also spends just as much time relaxing and thinking of ways to enjoy herself.
Of course, since this is Tomodachi Life, Reimu's greedy nature, whether for money or food, is cranked up to the max. No matter how much stuff you give her, her quotation kindly yet forcefully reminds you that she wants more. Even a room made out of sweets won't be enough. She also bears the distinction of being the only person on the island to have been given the cash to take a holiday to space.
Gotta go to space! That kid with them is their first child, Reiko. I'm proud of you, daughter! Now we are family again!
Husband: Junya Ohta
Best Friend: None
Children: Reiko, Junichiro, Juntaro, Junzo
Shipping Reimu with ZUN, however natural that may sound, was never an inevitability. In Gensokyo Island's early days, Marisa was also vying for ZUN's affections, but a certain incident (to be explained in the near future) drove me to steer her away from him. With Okuu and Kourin falling for each other, the two were the last remaining pairing. And it has been a heck of a beautiful one.
I'm probably tempting fate by describing the success of their relationship, but in essence they were the second couple to hook up, but the fifth (and the last of the original eight islanders) to marry. They are also the first couple to have four children, that's got to count for something! Reiko was never heard from again, unfortunately, but Junichiro and Juntaro have been carving a path forward for Gensokyo Island. With Junzo growing to the age of maturity in the next day or two, ZUN's profile will display the pictures of their children.
Reimu has never had a best friend despite being one of the most senior islanders. I've no idea why, perhaps it's just that she gets along equally well (or badly) with everyone. Or perhaps her best friend is Okuu's Look-alike, who gives her free food, clothes, and pocket money every other day. That's some good logic there.
Reimu-ception. Also, this is why you shouldn't use hair dye on Miis with ornamental eyebrows.
Food Preferences:
Favourite: Yerba Maté
Okuu's Look-alike Rating - Yerba Maté: Dislike! I have no idea what Yerba Maté is, but since Reimu likes to drink tea I'd imagine it's probably like matcha, which I dislike (I find leaf tea superior), although I'll drink it if it was free.
Song Participation:
The Miko's Lament, Opera, solo singer
Marisa My Love, Ballad, backup singer for Marisa Fan Club
The relationship between Reimu and Marisa on Gensokyo Island is a rather unusual one that's quite unlike the canon one from Touhou Project. Here, they just sort of acknowledge each other as friends, but not much more than that. The only way to remedy this is to have her join in a song for Marisa's love starring characters much crazier than she is.
Betcha can't make a witty quip about this onigiri on my head!, Ramza!
Apartment: Apt. 104
Islander Tier Rating: Top Tier
Reimu is the type of person who knows what she wants, and she won't stop bugging you until she gets it! Even without an all-time favourite food, Reimu's inclinations for wanting just about anything she can get her hands on makes her someone who's always happy to receive a gift. In terms of interactions with other islanders, perhaps Reimu's reputation for being a no-nonsense youkai exterminator precedes her as only those with nothing to fear, or plenty of money and candy to donate, have the courage to befriend her. Instead, she seems to be happiest indulging in her piles of gifts and money and sharing a life of romance with her creator ZUN.
Do you have 1. Way too much money on your island, more than you could ever use? 2. Way too much candy and snacks on your island, more than you could ever eat? 3. An empty apartment slot? Then Reimu is the Mii for you! Donations please!
Note the use of eyebrows to create her ribbon - you can remove them in favour of solely using the hat.
BUNBUNMARU UPDATES, 14th January 2015
Traveller Updates
Juan, son of Recette Lemongrass and Armin Arlert, wrote back from Rakuen Island! He has visited 3 islands so far.
Juntaro, son of Reimu Hakurei and Junya Ohta, wrote back from Streetpass Relay Point Island! He has visited 1 island so far.
Chester. son of Aliasse Foerster and Minamitsu Murasa, grew up. He was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
Akihiko was born to Utsuho Reiuji and Rinnosuke Morichika. It's their fourth child! He is an Independent Artist.
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