I'm sorry for throwing a bit of a tantrum the last time. I still think it couldn't be helped, but it's just bad form - even an otaku nerd like me has pride, and I shouldn't be letting myself be taken down by screaming babies of all things. Or being completely unable to communicate with anyone, no one saying anything of interest to me about computer games or the latest anime and instead going on and on about stupid things like exercising, getting a job, picking up a girlfriend in real life... Gah!
No, let's not discuss any of these things. The best way to deal with something you know you'll never have is to simply forget about it. Yes... the path of a basement dweller is a cold, dark, and miserable one, but I have cling to my own ideals in order to find that true enlightenment.
The path of the traveller, like that of the otaku, is a lonely, individualistic one, but sometimes those little successes bring quite the sense of achievement to our hearts. Take this latest report we've received, for example.
Junichiro living the high life of suddenly becoming the island's most successful son. And that girl in the pic looks so familiar...
Junichiro, the second child and first son of Reimu Hakurei and Junya Ohta, whom as we may remember dropped by Gensokyo Island only a short time ago to spread a message of HAPPYness, now has something to decidedly be happy about. In the space of a few short days, he has become Gensokyo Island's most travelled child, with five islands to his record. This latest report, from Koharu Island, shows how he's been spending his time, living the high life and cavorting with babes and such, like this chick here named Chitoge. Funny, she looks an awful lot like the girl from one of those pictures Aya Shameimaru has pasted up on the wall of her office, who also happens to have the label "Yandere Psychopath" stuck under it. Hmm... I think we may have met, but I can't be sure...
At least it's a good thing that he's out there, achieving things for the glory of his homeland Gensokyo Island. Over here, the queue to leave just gets ever longer, so long that Okuu's Look-alike has just stopped counting. Toritori's already booked her place in the queue, ahead of me somehow, and I'm not sure when I'll ever leave... but as long as they don't change the terrible password on their island wifi, and keep their babies under lock and key, I'm actually genuinely not too bothered about it.
More Navy-themed kids for Murasa, while Yatako is the first kid ever... in fact, the first traveller I've ever seen wearing shades.
Aliasse Foerster and Minamitsu Murasa's fifth child and second daughter Minako continued their nautical theme, still searching for the elusive ship girls that have threatened to drag Gensokyo Island under the waves. At the same time, Utsuho Reiuji and Rinnosuke Morichika's eighth child, the oddly but appropriately named daughter Yatako fired the first shot against the world of fashion sense by pairing her traveller outfit with a set of rose-tinted shades. Y'know, there's a reason why most travellers don't wear shades, and it's because... because most island owners are too lazy to give their kids accessories before sending them off into the wider world. But this is Gensokyo Island, and accessories (and frills and ribbons and cool hats) are everything over here.
Now finally on to my least favourite part of things. Yes, babies. I hate them, I don't deny it, but I have to talk about them as part of my job. So let's just go over it in the most cursory manner possible.
Honey gets funny coming up with a new Lovecraftian monstrosity, while Youmu's first daughter looks incredibly relaxed for a baby.
After their success which was the creation of the antennaed aberration Mothra Kazamatsuri, Mitsukuni Haninozuka and his wife Desco Kazamatsuri have decided to embark on their next project. What terrifying horror awaits us now, y'know, apart from the screaming and wailing which is the characteristic of all babies. King Ghidorah? Mi-Go? Who knows?
Later, Youmu Konpaku and Drake Kitazawa showed off their third child and first daughter, who looked awfully relaxed for a kid, as described by Okuu's Look-alike. So relaxed, in fact, she looks like she may be a quiet one... oh, now I've gone and jinxed it. But anyway, she was so relaxed that they thought it wouldn't be a good idea to name her after something cool and tough like a sword or another weapon, so they settled with a flower. Yuriko is the name, and I certainly hope that excessively relaxed look doesn't end with her growing up into some sort of mass murderer with psychic powers.
In fact, the kid looked so relaxed, she took after her father Utonium so much more than her go-getter mother Youmu. It's almost like she was in another art style altogether, not realistic nor anime-esque, but more like a Western cartoon. So we asked Yuyuko Saigyouji, Youmu's boss, best friend, and surrogate mother figure what she thought about this...
You ragging on Western art styles? What are you, some kind of weeaboo? Well, it is to be expected of an Asian sakura-themed princess after all.
One thing that's so unusual about Gensokyo Island are how people of such different backgrounds and inspirations are mixed. Some look obviously like anime characters, while others seem to have a more realistic appearance, with Utonium as one of the exceptions, having more similarities with Western cartoons. It's an eclectic mix - sometimes it works out, and sometimes it just looks jarringly odd.
But what series better epitomises the blend between Japanese, Western, and realistic art styles than Valkyria Chronicles, the sleeper hit tactical action RPG series? Today, our long-delayed interview focuses on a less well-known character from that game's cast, and in fact one of the least famous characters on this island. As to why she's here, well, you have to ask Okuu's Look-alike, who extended the special invitation. The person? A warrior who's at the same time also a lady, tough and at the same time feminine, the fast-running, flower-loving academy graduate Margit Ravelli.
Margit Ravelli
All information correct as of 11 April 2015
A true soldier always looks her best, even on the field of death. Like Australia, that's pretty deathly.
Name: Margit Ravelli
Nickname: Margit
Date of Birth: 27th January 1990
Personality: Confident Go-Getter
Favourite Colour: Pink
Quotation: "Pride of Lanseal"
Margit Ravelli is a minor playable character from Valkyria Chronicles 3: Unrecorded Chronicles by Sega. She was a former Lieutenant and graduate of Gallia's Lanseal Military Academy from a noble family who was stripped of her command and sent to the "Nameless" penal military unit due to defeat in battle as a result of her own mistakes and bad attitude, though she initially claims this was the result of subordinates failing to follow her orders. As a result, she's initially very dismissive of anyone of subordinate rank and convinced of the infallibility of her own tactics. Though she's initially ostracised because of this, she redeems herself by learning humility and leadership skills from the main character, Kurt Irving, and is eventually given her own detachment to command (in story terms only, unfortunately). Her favoured classes are Scout and Lancer.
In terms of personality, she has the characteristics of the self-entitled "ojou-sama", who behaves like a princess and rubs everyone the wrong way, but is at the same time a hard-nosed professional soldier dedicated to victory. This creates the interesting juxtaposition of a character who's both tough and determined, and also feminine in a "traditionally" girly way, liking things like flowers, cakes, dresses, and pink stuff and hanging out with other girls. The bossy part of her mellows a bit after she learns to improve her attitude and her feminine side comes out more, but this ironically results in an increased respect for her commanding ability on the field.
She does have weaknesses - apart from her initial overbearing attitude and conviction of her own infallibility that gets on her fellow soldiers' nerves, she also develops an rather foolish unrequited crush on Kurt Irving despite him being both younger and obviously attached to someone else. Worst of all from the perspective of a commanding officer, she has no sense of direction whatsoever and can get lost easily if her allies aren't around to point her the right way. It seems that her flaw lies in being a good strategic thinker when it comes to maps and battle plans, but not so much so in the actual execution on the field.
Apart from the various minor bosses from the Touhou series (to be expected, since this is Gensokyo Island after all), Margit is probably the most minor non-original character, relative to her home series, to appear here. So, why her? After all, she doesn't have the most endearing introduction, being cold and unpleasant to pretty much everybody. Perhaps it's the process of "warming up" to everyone else which really endeared her to me.
However, if it wasn't already obvious, my favourite attributes above all in female characters are a combination of "traditional" strength - not silly things like psychological strength, but the ability to actually do stuff with your hands and beat people down - as well as "traditional" femininity, a mixture of both "girliness" as well as (eventually) being thoughtful, mature, and nurturing. Most fictional female characters dwell too much on the "girly" side of that spectrum, while those that avert it often go way too far in the other way and completely lose meaning in being a female character as opposed to a generically male one. Margit, on the other hand, is square in the middle of this, and is thus no doubt my favourite character from Valkyria Chronicles 3.

Margit finally finds true love... in the form of an ex-eco-terrorist sailor man with a helluva big moustache and beard.
Husband: Archibald Aqua
Best Friend: Koyomi Saigyouji, formerly Unyuho Morichika
Children: Shelly, Rafa, Matthias, Abigail
Margit probably made one of the worst decisions in her original game when she started harbouring less than professional feelings for her fellow lieutenant Kurt Irving, since anyone who's played the game knows that Kurt is not only already solidly attached in a publicly obvious fashion to at least one of two other girls, but he's also a two-timer who pursues a romantic relationship with both girls at one time. If there was a flaw in Margit's girly side that would be it, letting gratitude and respect for Kurt get ahead of her sensible and rational side. He's definitely not the kind of guy you want to have an unrequited crush on, never mind marry!
Thankfully, Margit got hitched with someone who can appreciate her a little better, her husband being Archibald Aqua, the nautical strongman, whom like Margit is also a person with a bad attitude turned good guy. Naturally, being the confident sort of lady, Margit was the one who made the first move and proposed to him, the pair being the first of the fourth batch of islanders to get hooked up, though not the first to be married. A girly girl and a manly man, it's like their personalities are a perfect match, and the names of their children come from a variety of sources, with no single source of inspiration dominating the name scheme.
Just as interesting is Margit's initial best friend, Unyuho Morichika, who being an Easygoing Softie just so happens to be on the exact opposite side of the personality chart from her, both in corners of the chart. That's as far away from each other as you can get! And though it's impossible to tell the reasons for the two of them breaking up as besties, it's a friendship that will live in my memory - Koyomi Saigyouji has taken her place, but has yet to really live up to the same kind of antics Margit and Unyuho managed when they were together.
Shelly at top left, the one without killer eyes. Rafa at top right, the one who's not tall.
Matthias at bottom left, the one who's not a girl. And Abigail at bottom right, the one who's... best kept far, far, away.
Food Preferences:
Wow, Margit is the second person so far on this island (the first being Kyouko Kasodani, who's still the same way even now) who has yet to express either an extremely positive or negative reaction to any food. Maybe she's learning not to be so fussy? Or it's just a balanced diet - it's okay to stuff your face with cakes and sweets as long as you eat lots of healthy food and veggies to go along with it.
Song Participation:
Um... Valkyria Chronicles characters aren't really known for their singing ability. Well, there's Rosie Stark, but she's the only one (and Vario Kraatz, but he doesn't so much sing as just make a din).
Just throw it all away. So much for everything in moderation... this would be really good advice for Reimu.
Apartment: Apt. 404, formerly Apt. 405
Islander Rating: Average Tier
Perhaps it's impossible to escape the fact that however much I like her, Margit is still a relatively minor character, not only in her own game but also here on Gensokyo Island. It's not that she doesn't demand anything - in fact she's pretty average in that regard, with a particular inclination for nice clothes and pretty hats. Her levels increase at a rate which can be expected of someone without an All-Time Favourite food and who isn't especially unlucky in life. It's more like... she just doesn't really participate in islander life.
Apart from her husband Archie and her former best friend Unyuho, Margit hasn't really been observed to mix around much. I mean, she has friends, but they're just sort of okay-ish friends, and it's not often that she's seen visiting someone else's apartment or hanging out with them in any of the island's various locations. This unfortunately leads to her falling off the radar in a general sort of way. She's there, but... she just doesn't do all that much.
Why this is the case... maybe she's a little aloof? Or maybe uncomfortable about interacting with others? Or are Touhou Project characters, for all their fanciful designs, just intolerably weird for her rational and straightlaced mindset? It's impossible to tell. All I can say is that I wish she'd hang out a bit more, mix around with the other islanders and establish herself as a strong character here on Gensokyo Island... oh, Kyubey? What is it? Make a wish? Hell no!
Making a name for herself (in a meta sense) is always going to be tough for Margit, who's a minor character from her own game which is also the newest and least well-known instalment in the Valkyria Chronicles series. But persevere, dear girl, and make a name for yourself with that never-say-die spirit for which Lanseal cadets are famed. Margit might seem cold and aloof with that ladylike personality of hers, but knowing her story and learning more about her character and habits can really have her grow on you.
Her in-game outfit really reflects her mixed personality - partly utilitarian, and partly feminine. It's hard to find something in-game that's similar.
Mitsukuni Haninozuka annouced that his wife Desco Kazamatsuri was pregnant with their third child!
Gensokyo Gourmands
Yuyuko Saigyouji tried some Eggnog today. She thought it was the Worst Ever!
Traveller Updates
Junichiro, son of Reimu Hakurei and Junya Ohta, wrote back from Koharu Island! He has visited 5 islands so far.
Relationships and Marriage
Miko Toyosatomimi and Armin Arlert are no longer Best Friends!
Minako, daughter of Alisse Foerster and Minamitsu Murasa, grew up. She was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
Yatako, daughter of Utsuho Reiuji and Rinnosuke Moricihika, grew up. She was made to leave Gensokyo Island and become a traveller!
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